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4 early signs of viral infections and ways to prevent them

4 early signs of viral infections and ways to prevent them

Viruses can be found in many places, including within the human body. While not all viruses are harmful, some can cause serious health issues. Viral infections occur when certain viruses start to thrive on the healthy cells of the body to replicate themselves. Some of these common viral infections include cold, flu, stomach flu, HPV, chicken pox, and herpes simplex viral infection. All of these infections start with a few common symptoms. These are early signs of viral infections.

Flu-like symptoms
A viral infection starts with the development of several flu-like symptoms, which include fatigue, fever, body aches, and headaches. The intensity of these symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on how far the infection has progressed. In most cases of viral infections, these symptoms develop suddenly. Therefore, it is crucial to seek immediate medical consultation to treat the infection before the symptoms worsen.

Upper respiratory issues
In some of the most common types of viral infections, the upper respiratory tract is affected. As a result, there can be persistent coughing, sore throat, sneezing, and nasal congestion. In addition, ear infections may also develop. Some people experience sinus infections as well. If medical help is not sought sooner, the infection may become severe, leading to extreme inflammation and sepsis in the lungs. The sepsis can further spread to the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and skin. In such cases, it is essential to seek emergency medical care as soon as possible.

Digestive problems
A viral infection causing digestive issues is a common occurrence, particularly with stomach flu. The symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and cramps in the abdomen. In some cases of viral infection, such as chicken pox or herpes simplex virus, constipation may also occur instead of diarrhea. Also, if a person has viral gastroenteritis, their stool may appear dark and tarry with the presence of blood or pus.

Skin problems
Skin problems are a common early sign of viral infections, particularly HPV and herpes simplex viral infections. Blisters, rashes, warts, and sores may start appearing in different parts of the body. It is important to note that these rashes and sores can be contagious and spread to others if they come in contact with them. Therefore, it is crucial to take necessary precautions to avoid the spread of the virus.

Tips to prevent viral infections
Nearly all viral infections are contagious, which means they can spread through contact, breathing in air from an infected person, or through saliva droplets. While some types of viral infections are not easy to prevent, it is possible to reduce the risk of infections. Here are a few tips that can help.

  • Always sanitize hands after touching public surfaces, like doors and handlebars.
  • Choose food and water that come from safe and hygienic sources.
  • Cover nose and mouth while traveling, especially in crowded areas that are not well-ventilated.
  • Disinfect and sanitize daily-use surfaces at home regularly.
  • As far as possible, avoid sharing cutlery, drinking glasses, and plates.
  • Wear protective clothing and use bug sprays to avoid getting bitten by bugs.

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