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5 warning signs of migraine that need attention

5 warning signs of migraine that need attention

A migraine is an inflammation-driven headache that differs from normal headaches. It can start at any age due to various causative factors. There are many obvious symptoms of migraine attacks, such as feeling nausea, throbbing pain in the temples, and hearing weird sounds now and again. However, migraines also have many underrated symptoms that people should know. Here are some warning signs of migraine that one must not take lightly:

Lack of sleep
It is prevalent for people with a history of migraines to have trouble falling asleep during the night. When they do find sleep, they cannot sustain it for longer. Conditions like sleep apnea are also seen in those living with migraine. Insomnia is a common indicator of several diseases. Therefore, people may not even know that they have migraine when they simply cannot find any sleep day after day, week after week, and year after year.
Sleep disturbances are some of the most commonly cited triggers of migraine, as reported to healthcare professionals across the country.

Anxiety and depression
Abrupt mood changes are a classic migraine trait. Like the first symptom on this list, depression, and anxiety, two mental health issues, also begin in the prodrome stage of migraine. The prodrome stage of migraine tends to start several hours or days before the aura or headache phase begins in people. This stage occurs over several hours or even days. People with a possible incoming migraine attack will have feelings of low self-worth and foreboding for unknown threats more times in a day than is normal.

Stuffy nose and watery eyes
The inflammation that causes migraines could also affect other areas of the body. For instance, people’s tear ducts and sinuses can suffer from inflammation and other problems, such as perennially watery eyes and stuffy noses. Some other problems similar to these are clear nasal drainage, droopy eyelids, tearing up on unusual occasions, and pain in the eyes and nose.
Often, stuffy eyes and watery noses in people are considered signs of a common cold, which is why many people do not consult a healthcare professional when they experience these symptoms. However, people should not ignore these symptoms as they are likely to be followed by other, more severe symptoms like bad headaches, auras, and a debilitating sensitivity to light and loud sounds felt at every possible instance.

Neck pain
The pain associated with migraine sometimes begins at the neck and back of individuals. Neck pain can be felt generally or while doing tasks like craning the neck or tilting the head from one side to another. Neck pain makes head movements painful for people with migraines.

Frequent urination
One of the least known and spoken about symptoms of an oncoming migraine attack is frequent urination. People who need to urinate often usually experience throbbing headaches next, and other migraine symptoms follow that. Frequent urination is usually experienced in the prodrome phase of migraine. Alternatively, people may experience fluid retention, a condition in which water and other fluids accumulate in the body’s cells, tissues, and cavities, causing swelling in certain places.

Some other warning signs include belly issues, chocolate cravings, and abdominal pain.

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